Dream Journey
Dream Journey
virtual + in-person
This personalized journey is a mystical experience and beautiful way to explore within yourself, finding which guides and energies are with you, supporting and protecting you and offering their wisdom and gifts for you at this time in your life.
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Please book a Connection Call first. Upon the completion of your call, you may submit the remaining Dream Journey payment.
Once you’ve submitted your contribution for the Connection Call, please schedule your call HERE.
The foundation of this offering is Shamanic Journeying which works with drum beats as a tool to induce alpha + theta brain waves guiding one into a deep state of relaxation and meditation. In this state, intuition is awakened, allowing access to symbols and memories which offer clarity, soul guidance and connection with inner wisdom.
Throughout the journey, Winter will incorporate medicine music and purifying plants to help assist in the process of carrying you into deeper connection and alignment with your truest expression + the source of your being.